paris, je t'aime

06 February 2011

i keep on duckin, keep on duckin, but nothing helps, i can't stop missin you

soooo today i literally did nothing up until like 8 in the evening when i walked to the grocery store to get food for dinner tomorrow night because colette told me that most stores are closed on sundays, so if i needed to get things to eat i needed to do it today. and it took me forever to find what i needed/wanted, and it was also hard because i didn't know if colette was going to let us use her fridge or not... so i just got some of those entrée things and some cans of green beans and peas and called it good. i tried to get some apples and bananas, but when the lady was scanning my stuff she held up the apples and said some gibberish, and i was like...uhh...i don't understand. and she finally got the point across that in the produce section, you're supposed to weigh out the things and tell the cashier how much they weigh because they don't have scales at their registers. so i was just like, never mind, it's okay. and went on my way. i didn't really do anything when i got home either, just hung out. i got extreeeeemely homesick that night, too. it was the reason for the teardrops on my guitar. so i skyped my seester kristian and my niece brooklyn for a bit. then went to bed and woke back up at 6 in the morning to see them again because it would be 11 their time, and elliot and josh would be back from doing manly things together. it was some good family bonding fa sho! we talked about how my niece's hair cut looks like the old cartoon character he-man's hair. look. it. up. hahahaha.

so, i'm combining that day with yesterday. cuz the past two days (saturday and sunday) have been so awesomely boring. or i guess relaxing is a better word. i've just been hanging out in my room, skyping family and friends. today was the first sunny day in angers since i've been here, and it put me in SUCH a good mood! it's like that first week of spring, because when that happens i feel damn near like mary poppins, i just wanna sing and dance and play with the animals and jump off something with an umbrella in my hand... i. love. spring. but... enough about that. it isn't spring, and now i'm just upset because i got myself all revved up. so. i showered and shaved my legs today (thank god/the makers of venus) i mean i tried to be as french-esque as possible, you shoulda seen my armpits, too... just kidding. the french shave, too, people! apparently that myth came from times of war when the french didn't bring razors with them to war, so they got all hairy, and ever since people think that all french are hairy. idk. just something i heard from a bird. but anyway, i got dressed, did my hair, took some vanity pics, did my makeup, cleaned my room, and then skyped my sister stephanie, my mom, and my stepdad in buffalo, new york. :) sooo good to see them! i let my mom meet colette and had to translate for the both of them, so that was actually kinda cool. it made me feel like a superhero, breaking the walls of language barriers! AND i got to see my little chihuahua, princess, and our other chihuahua, tucker! they weren't really down for getting excited to hear my voice or see my face :/ but whatever. i was just in such a happy mood today. maybe because the sun was shining. maybe because i got some good sleep. maybe because i gots mahself a boyfrannn! <3 haha.. most people have been saying, "well, that's no surprise. we all knew that would happen." but yes, elliot and i are official, and it is grand. at first (because he had asked me before, but i turned him down) i thought that it would be harder to be in a relationship and to be far away than to not be in a relationship and be far away... but honestly, he and i were basically a couple anyway. so it just made sense. and i'm completely happy with what we got goin on. :) SO YOU CAN RUN AN' TELL THAT, HOMEBOY!

haha it's like, 3 in the morning here. i'm tired. and loopy. but i had to get up and pee/get a drink of water. seems counterproductive, huh? oh well. i do what my body asks of me. so, i'm gonna go back to bed now. i've got school in da mo'nin! speaking of da mo'nin... watch this vid: haha it's pretty epic. bon nuit, mes amis!


  1. Da mo'nin...awesome...cause we up cookin' breffas...but das like our alarm clock...whoo whoo
