paris, je t'aime

04 February 2011

mes jambes.. mes yeux.. mon cerveau..

woke up at 8 again this morning only to hit the snooze button about fifty times because it only snoozes for two minutes and there's no way to change that. usually i keep my snooze on five minutes, ten minutes if i'm feeling frisky. but two minutes?! lame... well, karen and i went to the university for a little meeting that took like thirty minutes. if the meeting is only thirty minutes long, why did they make it for the butt crack of dawn?! i need extra sleep here people; i'm sleeping on a slab of concrete!

::mes jambes::
"mes jambes" means "my legs." after that wonderful meeting, grace, skye (grace's roommate,) and i decided we wanted to go shopping. so we dipped. (that's slang for "so we left" for all you geriatric hotties) and walked a very long, confusing, unnecessary route to l'espace anjou, which is that mall i was talking about earlier with the grocery store inside. first, we went into zara, which is this awesome store like forever 21 but of a little better quality. et j'ai trouvé des bonnes choses! (and i found some good things!) we walked around, tried to find something to eat, then finally sat down at this little sandwich place and ate. mine tasted kinda weird at first, i couldn't tell if it was the weird kind of ham or the white cream looking stuff swiped on my bread... i don't know, but i'm just not a fan of any kind of condiment!

i fell asleep. so the rest of this is being written the next day. je suis désolée!

i came back home and rested for awhile after shopping, then i had a meeting with my professer from KU and the other students at 5. when that was over, she wanted to take us all to a crêperie for dinner. while we were walking there, i had realized that i thought my host mom said we were supposed to eat dinner with her tonight. and if you miss a dinner without telling them 24 hours in advance, it's a huge offense. so i texted her and asked if we were supposed to have dinner, and she replied saying that yes, we talked about it last night. so i told my group i had to leave and started to walk back. when i was about halfway there, i got another text from her saying it was a misunderstanding and karen didn't know we had dinner either. so she said it was okay, we'd have dinner tomorrow night. so i turned around and started to walk back, but i didn't know where my group went after the point where i had to turn around. i got lost for a little bit, but found my way to the restaurant. for the first course, i had a galette (which is like a crêpe except with real food on it like meat and cheese) with ham, cheese, mushrooms, and egg on it. For the second course, i had a galette with hamburger, onion, cheese, and egg on it, which was called the american but it didn't taste like anything i've ever eaten in america. and for my dessert, i had a nutella crêpe. sooooo goooooood. i could eat those all day. p.s. how are french people not obese?! three course meals allll the time? dwam!

::mes yeux::
"mes yeux" means "my eyes." after dinner everyone wanted to go out to the bars, but i wasn't feelin it because a) i didn't have my roommate with me to walk home with and b) i definitely didn't wanna walk home drunk, in the middle of the night, in a foreign place in which i've only been for 4 days. so i stayed behind and went home. when i went home, colette sat me down on the couch and talked to me about the misunderstanding. and i knew she wasn't mad, but i still felt terrible because she explained to me that she had already prepared dinner. and i guess i was just so tired from walking around all day and tired from navigating through town, and tired of translating constantly... cuz i just started crying. and she was like, no no no don't cry! but i couldn't help it. i just wanted to be somewhere comfortable, aka home. and of course it's really important to me to have a good relationship with my host mom. so after calming down and watching some tv with her, i excused myself and got on skype to talk to ell. and just started bawling again. :( such a sad night!

::mon cerveau::
"mon cerveau" means "my brain." and boyyy is it tired! i already feel like i'm drowning in french, just think of how it will be when i actually start my classes! oh, mon dieu!

sorry this is so late. i was extremely tired!

1 comment:

  1. Sweet Maddie. I'm sorry you had an exhausting day, so, I hope you're getting some good sleep tonight. Everything always looks brighter with a new day! I saw Sarah contacted you about getting together in Paris; that will be so much fun, especially since it will be your birthday! Do you have a fun weekend planned? I'm sure you'll let us know. Love and hugs, Mom
